Procesos metalogenéticos de enriquecimiento supergénico de Co y Elementos del Grupo del Platino (EGP) en lateritas niquelíferas (CGL2009-10924) FUNDING ENTITY: Plan Nacional de I + D + i (convocatoria 2009) DURATION: 2009-2012 LEAD INVESTIGATOR: Joaquín Antonio Proenza Fernández
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2006-2008: Mineralogía y Geoquímica de Ni y Elementos del Grupo del Platino (EGP) en lateritas niquelíferas (CGL2006-07384/BTE)
Mineralogía y Geoquímica de Ni y Elementos del Grupo del Platino (EGP) en lateritas niquelíferas (CGL2006-07384/BTE) FUNDING ENTITY: Plan Nacional de I + D + i (convocatoria 2006) DURATION: 2006-2008 LEAD INVESTIGATOR: Joaquín Antonio Proenza Fernández
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2008-2009: Análisis de trayectorias Presión-Temperatura-tiempo para las rocas de alta presión de la Serranía de Jarara, Península de la Guajira, Colombia
Análisis de trayectorias Presión-Temperatura-tiempo para las rocas de alta presión de la Serranía de Jarara, Península de la Guajira, Colombia Duration: 2008-2009 Lead Investigator: Marion Beatriz Weber Scharff, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
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2005-2009: Geology and Paleogeography of Cuba
Geology and Paleogeography of Cuba Funding Entity: Ministry of Science Technology and Environment, Rep. de Cuba Duration: 2005-2009 Lead Investigator: Manuel Iturralde Vinent (Cuba)
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2002-2005: Metamorphic terranes in the northern margin of the Caribbean plate (Cuba)
Metamorphic terranes in the northern margin of the Caribbean plate (Cuba) Funding Entity: Ministry of Science and Technology, Spain (BTE2002-01011) Duration: 2002-2005 Lead Investigator: Rafael L. Torres Roldán (University of Granada)
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2000-2004: IGCP proyect nº 433 “Caribbean Plate Tectonics”
IGCP proyect nº 433 “Caribbean Plate Tectonics” Funding Entity: UNESCO/IUGS Duration: 2000-2004 Lead Investigator: Manuel Iturralde Vinent (Cuba), Edward Lidiak (USA)
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1995-1996: The metamorphic complex of the Isle of Youth (Cuba): Petrology, P-T-t paths and implications for the tectonic history of Cuba and the northern margin of the Caribbean Plate
The metamorphic complex of the Isle of Youth (Cuba): Petrology, P-T-t paths and implications for the tectonic history of Cuba and the northern margin of the Caribbean Plate Funding Entity: Plan Propio de la Universidad de Granada Duration: 1995-1996 Lead Investigator: Rafael L. Torres Roldán
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2012: IGCP 433_Caribbean Plate Tectonics and IGCP 546: Subduction Zones of the Caribbean
To Cite this article: Iturralde-Vinent, M.A., García-Casco, A., Martens, U., Lidiak, E.D. (2012): Deep Earth: how it controls our environment. IGCP 433: Caribbean Plate Tectonics and IGCP 546: Subduction Zones of the Caribbean. In Derbyshire E., Editor. Tales Set in Stone – 40 Years of the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP), UNESCO Paris, France. 140 pp.…
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2009-2012: Metallogenetic processes of supergene Co enrichment and platinum group elements (PGE) in nikeliferous laterites)
Metallogenetic processes of supergene Co enrichment and platinum group elements (PGE) in nikeliferous laterites) FUNDING ENTITY: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CGL2009-10924 DURATION: 2009-2012 LEAD INVESTIGATOR: Joaquín A. Proenza Fernández (University of Barcelona)
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