2010: Jadeitite jade occurrence from the Sierra del Convento mélange (eastern Cuba)

Jadeitite jade occurrence from the Sierra del Convento mélange (eastern Cuba)


A new jadeitite jade locality has been discovered in the serpentinite–matrix subduction mélange of the Sierra del Convento (eastern Cuba) in a context associated with tectonic blocks of garnet–epidote amphibolite, tonalitic–trondhjemitic epidote gneiss and blueschist. The jade outcrops occur as blocks surrounded by serpentinite, as late Miocene–early Pliocene detritic sedimentary deposits formed during erosion of the mélange, and as Recent river and beach deposits related to the Macambo and Guardarraya rivers and their mouths. Jade from these outcrops show gem–quality varieties with colours ranging from greenish white to dark green. Potentially, the deposits may be easily exploited. Former exploitation (probably of the beach deposits) by the pre–Columbian Taino inhabitants of Cuba is documented by a large number of jade artifacts (mostly, petaloid axes) found in eastern Cuba.

Keywords: Jadeitite, subduction mélange, Sierra del Convento, Cuba.


To Cite this article: Cárdenas-Párraga, J., García-Casco, A., Núñez-Cambra, K., Rodrígez-Vega, A., Blanco-Quintero, I.F., Harlow, G.E., Lázaro, C. (2010): Jadeitite jade occurrence from the Sierra del Convento mélange (eastern Cuba). Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 62 (1), 199-205.  PDF

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