2023: Mantle-hosted ophiolitic chromitites from Colombia: implications for petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution

Mantle-hosted ophiolitic chromitites from Colombia: implications for petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution


Chromitite bodies can be found within ophiolitic mantle sections in three locations in Colombia: Medellín, Planeta Rica, and La Guajira. These chromitites are typically massive pods that are often surrounded by lateritic soil in Medellín and Planeta Rica, or small discoidal bodies in La Guajira. Inclusions in chromite are preserved to varying degrees in the three localities: olivine and pargasite are partially preserved in Medellín and Planeta Rica, whereas inclusions in La Guajira chromitites are completely altered to chlorite. Compositionally, chromite from the chromitites is high-Al in Medellín (Cr#[Cr/(Cr+Al) atomic ratio] = 0.41–0.51) and Planeta Rica (Cr# = 0.49–0.57), and high-Cr in La Guajira (Cr# = 0.75–0.76), whereas TiO2 contents are low in the three localities (0.12–0.43 wt %). Regarding trace elements composition, the chromitites are similar to others formed in suprasubduction zone settings; the chromite from the high-Al chromitites is similar to that in MORB/ BABB, whereas chromite from the high-Cr chromitites has a strong boninitic affinity. Chromitites from Planeta Rica are richer in Ti, possibly due to the presence of nearby gabbroic bodies and impregnated peridotites. The alteration in chromite rims and silicate matrix is related to metamorphic processes. Bulk-rock platinum-group element (PGE) contents range from 30 to 487 ppb, and chondrite-normalized PGE patterns show the typical enrichment in IPGE relative to PPGE observed in most ophiolitic chromitites. The estimated melts in equilibrium with the different chromitites correspond to MORB-like melts for the Medellín and Planeta Rica chromitites and to boninites for La Guajira chromitites. However, the estimated TiO2 content in the melt is too low for a typical MORB, indicating back-arc basin basalts and a back-arc setting for the formation of the Medellín and Planeta Rica chromitites during the Late Triassic and the Late Jurassic, respectively. La Guajira chromitites are interpreted to have formed in a fore-arc basin related to subductioninitiation during Cretaceous times.


To Cite this article: Ramírez-Cárdenas, C.A., Pujol-Solà, N., Proenza, J.A., Weber, M., Castillo-Oliver, M., Tobón, M., & Garcia-Casco, A. (2024). Mantle-hosted ophiolitic chromitites from Colombia: implications for petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution. International Geology Review, 66(1), 81-108.

DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2023.2228361

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