Member of Research Group RNM302 “Petrogenesis and modeling of lithosphere proceses” ( I have gained recognition for 24 years of “international-quality research” (CNEAI). Research interest: Metamorphic Petrology. Phase Equilibrium. Thermodynamics. Experimental Petrology. Electron Microscopy. P-T-t paths. Orogenic Evolution. Specific research lines: Metamorphism of pelites, basic and ultrabasic rocks in convergent plate margins. Partial melting of metapelites and metabasites. Development of petrologic software (algebraic analysis of phase assemblages, multispectral analysis of XR images). Archaeometry. Ore deposits. Environment. Field work: Alpine, Variscan and Caribbean belts; South America active margin; Neoproterozoic orogens.
Associate Editor: Terra Nova, International Geology Review, Geologica Acta, Boletin de la Sociedad Geologica Mexicana.
University of Granada
Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, Andalusian Institute of Earth Sciences
Faculty of Sciences
Avenida Fuentenueva, sn
18002, Granada (Spain)
Tel: (+34) 95 824 66 13